August2017 高円寺阿波おどりは、東京周辺では最大規模の阿波踊りで、発祥地の徳島に次いだ規模を誇る約1万人が踊り、東京の代表的な夏祭りの1つでもあり、今では夏の風物詩として定着している。また本場である徳島県からも参加がし、遠方からの参加者も多い。毎年8月下旬(最終の土曜・日曜)に開催される。 Tokyo・Koenji Awa Odori(dance) Festival The Koenji Awa odori(dance) has grown to be counted as a major summer event of Tokyo. Awa odori(dance) is a traditional form of dance that originated over 400 years ago in Tokushima on the island of Shikoku. Held every summer on the last Saturday and Sunday of August in the Koenji district of Tokyo. Almost10,000 dancers and musicians from 169 dance groups parade along the streets of the neighbourhood. The musicians parade along with the dancers, usually playing the lively Awa odori (dance)music on traditional Japanese instruments such as shamisen lutes, taiko drums, shinobue flutes and kane bells.